Cimarron Elementary's Student Attendance Policy

  • Tardies

    **Students are tardy to school if they are not in the building by 7:35a.m.  At 7:35, all drop off doors will be closed and locked.  If a student arrives after 7:35 a.m., a parent or adult must escort the student to the front office to sign them in and obtain a tardy slip. 

    In order to receive credit in class, students must be in attendance for at least 90% of the days that the class attendance is offered. When returning to school after an absence, a student must bring a note signed by the parent that describes the reason for the absence.

    Excused absences may include:

    • Personal illness
    • Death or illness in the family
    • Quarantine
    • A required court appearance
    • Religious holy days
    • Doctor appointment

    A note from the parent and/or guardian explaining the nature of the absence must be submitted no later than three (3) school days after the student’s absence and must include specific information as to the nature of the absence. Information required:

    1. Name of Student
    2. Teacher’s name
    3. Date(s) absence(s)
    4. The specific reason for absences(s)
    5. Signature of parent/guardian
    6. Phone number of parent/guardian
    7. Date
    • A maximum of 5 parent written excuse notes can be accepted per school year.

    Warning Notice for Unexcused Absences
    If your son/daughter has more than one unexcused absence, the following procedures will be taken in order to improve your child’s attendance.

    (2nd unexcused absence)- Attendance phone call
    (3rd unexcused absence)- District Attorney Letter
    (6th unexcused absence)- Parent/Assistant Principal conference
    (8th unexcused absence)- Constable Visit
    (10th unexcused absence)- File Truancy charges

     **Please call the school by 8:00 a.m when your child will be out.

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