Galena Park Elementary's Crisis Management

  • Student safety is the number one goal at Galena Park Elementary. We have written procedures for every crisis situation. It is important that the procedures are followed exactly to ensure the safety of the students, staff and parents of our community.

    Can I pick up my child?
    If we are in a lockdown, no one will be allowed to exit the building until the authorities have given the "all clear." Do not try to pick up your child. He/she will not be released. Please do not compromise the safety of all students by trying to get into the building. Remember, we're here to keep every child safe.

    How will I know that my child has evacuated the building?
    In the event of an evacuation due to a crisis situation, parents will be notified of when and where their child can be picked up.

    Can I send someone to pick up my child?
    Students will only be released to adults that are listed on the student's emergency card. There will not be any exceptions. If you have not updated your child's emergency card, please stop by the office.

    If I'm visiting campus and a drill or crisis occurs, can I leave the campus?
    In this case, all visitors will follow the same procedures as the students and staff. For example, if we go into lockdown, all parents on campus will go into lockdown also. No one will be allowed to leave.

    If I hear on the news of a crisis at GPE, can I call the school to get information?
    Please do not call the school. We will not be able to answer the phones if we are in lockdown or evacuating the building. Our job at this time is to ensure that all students and staff are safe. Please be assured that as soon as the situation is resolved, all parents will be notified.